Tiger & Grey

Tiger & Grey

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The Egyptian Mau Rescue Organization - www.emaurescue.org

donderdag 27 december 2012

Happy Holidays

A long time I didnt post about my two sweets. They are still alive and kicking, or should I say destroying?
First of all, I want to wish all of you who take time to read this blog, very happy and warm holidays. Christmas has just been passed, but I can't pass by this picture. Unfortunately this year I didn't manage a picture for xmas with both cats. Tiger was extremely 'annoying' with the christmas stuff. She herself would say she had a great time, and believes I never ever had taken in such a wonderfull toys as the glistening balls and ornaments for in the tree. It so happened that my tree didn't show its glory for longer than 2 hours, before it came down after a slide of Tiger in attempt to get one of 'her' toys. Of course not hers, but she is Queen of the House, so naturally all belongs to her. Tigerlogics...

Tiger and Grey are doing very well, like I said. I have some stories to share on their own. So I leave it with this greeting for now. And some pictures not shown so far.