Tiger & Grey

Tiger & Grey

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dinsdag 1 januari 2013

GREY Update

As a single I can find myself now in the weird situation to wake up now with a man in my bed, called Grey and shows 50 shades of Grey. He indeed has a lot of ways to show he is there, by snuggling up, scratch me, bite me, demands me, meows me etc.

Grey has turned out to become a very very very almost annoying sticky snuggly, huggy, oochie woochie, laptop cat. It started a few weeks ago, when he suddenly nestled himself on the lap of a friend. Next time she visited, he dropped himself on my lap, the second time ever he did this.

I realised he only sits on the lap if the person is sitting on his favorite spot on the couch. At the same time, Grey developed the habbit to come sleep very close to me at night. He snuggles up to me, most often to my chest, and expanded his new habbit by starting to pur and beg for his head to be scratched as soon as I wake up. I am very amazed how lovable he has become by now.

Since he discovered my I-pad (and more the special cat games on it), he even made my lap his home, and as soon as I sit on the couch, he comes snuggle up with me. For almost a year he was rather independent, and didn't like to sit on my lap, what a change! And his affection is still growing, thats why, 50 shades of Grey, I meet another one every day! But he can be very annoying, because he literaly demands attention by softly biting and sticking the nails into your arm. But he is now the cat I always wanted. I can finaly give all my love and attention to someone, and it does me very well. Knowing that I am not custom to hugging and caressing, it is very good for me to let the happiness hormones run free, those I need so much to stay happy and positive. Petting animals is proven a good therapy. It can make me feel so well when he is crawling up on my chest to be petted and he gives me headknicks back. I love this moments, it fills a void. A human need that no human can give me.
So there is my 50 shades of Grey since I have no interest at all in the book. And yes I did read a part of it, it is just not at all my thing. And that has nothing to do with the sex, but with the way it is written. It is not my uhmm style. If I can use that word without being misunderstood. But well... it is a cat blog, and we are talking about Grey, who had his name longer than this book exists. I think...

I may have mentioned before that I was afraid Grey to have asthma. Or well people say I should be afraid he has, because I never believed it. Medication doesnt work, he doesnt look he is suffering or short in breath, he has not the loomy eyes nor typical position. He coughs while he eats and continues when done, he can run off and walk around still trying to cough something up. He is not into the hold of an attack, nor gasping for breath.
I observed him closely for a few weeks, and noticed it is just a very sensitive cat for hairballs/hair in the throat. He always coughes when he has or is grooming. He has episodes of a lot of coughing a day in september/october and may, the months in which cats shed their fur. Als he is feeling better if I did vaccuum cleaning. And after eating cat grass.
I doubted the diagnosis for respiratory disease because he never seemed to suffer any other way, no snotty nose, teary eyes or lack of appetite. The idea of asthma did not match, his lungs were clean with a last year vet visit, just before I first noticed him to cough.

Grey has special anti hairball food, but that doesnt seem to work. Well most foods dont reduce the hairball itself, because the hairballs are there and not stopped from entering, but give the hair a silky layer so they will not tangle into balls, but instead will be passed out naturally with the faeces. And I sometimes see hairy poo so that does seem to work, this hairball formula. Nothing to worry. And at the moment I didn't hear him cough for days.

I really feel happy about this because I was afraid a possible disease would make my future plans more difficult, because I am considering moving to Iceland together with the cats. Iceland is Europes most complicated country to take pets too. Not being able to get them in by car (easiest and cheapest way) I have to rely on air transport, expensive and Iceland authorities may be very critical about permissions, especially knowing they come from Egypt and possible having respiratory diseases which in most cases are a threat for local animals. I have to find a way to stop Grey from coughing as I plan to move earliest in september 2013, which is a time in which Grey usualy suffers coughing the most.

So, I think Grey is a happy fellow here. He must be the first EMRO kitty to go live so close to the Arctic circle. Amazing if you think about it... coming almost from the equator. Well I have requested a price quote for their travel. I have to see how much it will cost to take them. Because otherwise I may be smarter to spend the money on a very good homestyle foster family. I dont know yet... they really have the biggest word to say in my biggest dream. Last year I let go my dream to go live in Iceland, and then I said to myself why, if you didn't even try? The signs all point towards Iceland. So here I am giving it a try. And I see my sweethearts live with me in the land of my dreams.... I won't give up on them! And so I also take count of the worst case scenario.