So much good news about Tiger's progress!
She had her last acupuncture treatment 2 weeks ago, the vet told me that now it is matter of waiting. She gave her treatment to develop her muscles more, because clearly she is on her way to full recover. But after we got back home I was so afraid things got worse. Because now Tiger was walking on her folded paw. But luckily the skin never got open. But it didn't look nice to see her walk this way.
Good news was that she only did this on the carpet. And I am planning to remove the carpet as soon as I can afford it and it suits in my plans.
But now, 2 weeks later I quited her medication. After 8 weeks the progress was not getting better, and for the problems I gave it, it had finished working. The medication was not really for long term using. But I can proudly tell you now, that since a few days I noticed Tiger to walk normal, also on carpet and today... today she showed reaction when I touch her toes! I guess my sweet has almost come to full recovery! I am soooo soooo extremely happy about this! You have no idea. My little girl, she healed after keep on believing in miracles. Now for 3 days I haven't seen her walking on a double paw, and from the way of walking I can no longer hear a lot of difference between her and Grey. Of course Grey is heavier, he is much more a sort of a tank moving through the house, but Tiger usually had a slight sound of dragging her injured paw. And, she is once more capable to scratch her head with her right paw again, with good force.
Since this is just a little blog about some happy and very good news, I decided to let you update on more little stories and pictures you may have seen already on FaceBook. I didn't take a lot of pictures lately.I may do so later today.
Grey has discovered that my bed is a very wonderfull place to sleep at night. Now most nights he sleeps besides me, and as long as Tiger is not aware, he wakes up with a very extremely cuddly mood I had never seen in him so far. He comes lay close to me, purring and giving heads, really looking very very happy. But he has to do before 5.30 because that is usually the time Tiger comes to wake me up. Tiger is no longer sleeping with me now for some reason. Usually her ritual starts with removing Grey from my bed. Very very sometimes I will find them sleeping together next to me, but usually it is a bed fight to wake me up. And then comes 'her Annoyance' to tease me, she makes me pet and cuddle her, she demands, there is no chance to get away with ignoring her! Walking up and over me, chirping in my ear, scratching my hand. I have no choice... but to obbey the Queen of the Houses demands.
Also, Grey found out water in the sink is quite cool. Now I have two cats annoying me while I am doing the dishes (no people, I am one of the rare ones not having a dishwashing machine...). I can tell even worse, I had to remove a plate to my closet to prepare food out of reach of the cats. Isn't that a silly world? Really I cannot take anything out without 2 furballs investigating.
Yes I know I could lock them out, but have you ever imagined how fast and dangerous the race back into the kitchen when I open the door again? Really they almost faced death with doing this when there is instable stuff on the table, like pots, pans, books etc.
Last week I had some home make over. I got a new desk, since my old one was giving too much freedom to collect useless stuff, and made me depressed because it was a corner model, making me sit and stare in the corner. I feel more happy now with my new one, overlooking the cats and outside. And, with plenty of space, usually Tiger is sitting beside me. But... I have no place for all my collected useless muck. It is piled up in other places, the floor, the old desk. Which means the cats cannot be free in the livingroom while I am gone. Simply because Tiger is making a mess of all this things. She LOVES cardboard, and when hungry she also eats it (she gets too less food she thinks... but that is not true of course, I just don't want overweighted cats).
Tiger helped me with constructing the desk (and the bookcase 2 weeks ago). Grey misses his hideout on top of this bookcase. I will restore it somehow, my project is by far not finished yet.
And of course she is very tired after a long day of hard working.... (I would not dare to say I took this picture very early in the morning though... ;-) )
And now, after publishing, I will go make muffins. Curious to the input of the cats, I can almost be sure to have new inspiration for a blog after finishing (I have no idea how 'easy' making muffins is with two curious cats around....)
Haha, I recognize a lot of their mischief! :)