Tiger & Grey

Tiger & Grey

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The Egyptian Mau Rescue Organization - www.emaurescue.org

vrijdag 16 september 2011


This is Grey

Thanx to the rescuer of Grey I have quite detailed information about how this sweet grey cat started his life.
Grey was born in May 2009 at the college campus in Alexandria Egypt, in a litter of 3. Sadly he was born in the wrong place, where cats were unwanted, tortured, poisoned and killed as if they were just 'things'. Along with this litter, there was another one, as you could expect in a country where almost no one looks after the cats, let alone neuter them. But Grey, and a few other cats were very lucky. Because there was one woman who looked after them. Who cuddled them and fed them, even during the times that the campus was closed, finding her way in to water and feed the cats.

Everybody was calling her crazy to do this, and why not feed the poor people instead of those useless cats... Because that is unfortunately how the average Egyptian sees their living ancient heritage, considering those cats being filthy, unwanted and a plague. A plague caused by humans themselves, because they allow them to reproduce. Everyone knows how fertile cats are, that is why they are together with rabbits, symbolic animals of fertility. But also are they those magnificient creatures that were once worshipped as living appearance of the Goddess Bastet, and are now equal to a bag of garbage you throw away.

Thats how the cats got fed at the college campus in Alexandria

Prince and another cat from Greys clan. I can imagine the right one is related to Grey...

Grey at his birthground in Alexandria

Another picture of Grey at Alexandria

This is hunter, in the background it is Grey

Grey on the look out

Grey grew up, while some of his litter mates and other cats around him got killed without any emotion. Thrown away litteraly to die. But Grey was loved, he was the only cat that even those men that killed other cats loved, and begged for to not have him taken away. Because the guardian angel of the cats was trying to bring as many cats as possible to a better place. And they all wanted Grey to stay. But Grey didn't stay. He qualified to be Egyptian Mau enough to go to the EMRO shelter in Cairo. And together with another cat named Prince, Grey left his birthplace and the people who loved him to find a better life. So on April 2nd he and Prince started the 200km journey to Cairo.

Both Prince and Grey stayed at the shelter for some time. Prince still awaits his forever home. And since I also loooved Noha, who he bonded with, his future may look bright if my life turns to the right direction. It is funny that he also caught my attention as possible adoption choice to company Tiger. But it turned out to be Grey... and really that was destiny because I really opted for another cat, but before I knew it, Grey as third option, was confirmed and I decided to keep it this way. 

Grey at EMRO in Cairo on August 17th 2011

It's Tiger, at EMRO on August 17th 2011 :-) with a still healthy leg.

And Grey found his way to Holland 3 months later. Where I got contacted with his recuer who is of course more than happy to stay in touch with this amazing cat. I would have loved it too to know how an animal that means so much to me ended up. It would be painfull to hear the animal travels out of reach. I know with 'my' horse QueJuizo how it feels, as he was sold before I knew it, and ended up in Thailand. While I had been there just that time. I didn't know. But happy I am he returned to Portugal. And though I have no contact with anyone, I wait patiently for the day I can go back and visit him, as he returned to the grounds he was born at. Now I know, Grey won't return to his roots. But he sure took some of it with him. And he was saved and protected by lovable people. And I am thankfull for getting this 'old day' pictures of Grey, in the place he grew up.

I do not know Grey well enough yet to describe him, but he has really a special personality. In his new life he has to conquer the claiming and attentionholic Tiger, who thinks all attention belongs to her. But Grey on the other hand is quite sophisticated. He knows what he wants, and though he loves to come say hello and shrug his head and kick you over, he is not a cat that loves to be on your lap for hours. At least he did not show this so far. Maybe because he is 'afraid' of Tiger, or accepts his place. Sometimes he looks at me like, 'Oh I want this too, but she is always in the way'.
Grey is very smart, especially if it comes to getting food. He begs like a dog, carefully getting attention with his paw, and if that makes no sense, he will be more pushy giving gentle bites to let me know he is (always) hungry. He has a special meeow to let me know his water or food has run out. Grey is also quite vocal. He meows a lot, saying hello and answers if I ask him something. Every room he enters he says hello. And when he plays he talks to, even when he jumps. Also I am amazed he knows when I come back home from work. He is always waiting there in the window, giving hugs through the glass and of course, meowing.

Grey is also an excellent climber. You will know when I finaly settled my new life and schedule. I will hopefully get on with more frequent posting. But Greys climbing talent stunned me when I was woken up by lots of stumbling. I thought of robbers, but no... It was Grey who managed to jump all up to the window sil of the small windows above indoor doors. It is only 6cm wide at max, and he stood there towering out, scared and didn't know how to get off. He choose for his pride and didnt allow me to help him. That's Grey... my little explorer. Curious to what other strange places he discovers!

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