Tiger & Grey

Tiger & Grey

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The Egyptian Mau Rescue Organization - www.emaurescue.org

maandag 3 oktober 2011

Tiger & Grey's first holiday

Or well, they didn't choose for it to be on holiday, but had to since I was out to my annual trip to England.
Tiger and Grey stayed with my parents. And because I had a busy schedule and would depart at midnight, they allready got at their holiday place the day before. My parents are in the middle of a movement, so they have rooms that are unused. They prepared a small room next to my old room, where they could watch the sea, the beach, the gulls, people walking by. Just the things they love to watch. But Tiger was not too happy with her holiday residence. She missed me, and the change was a bit too rushy, and in the afternoon of course my niece and nephew visited them, and especially my niece is one energybomb. A bit too much for the cats who are not used to all this. Tiger didn't eat for a while. Both cats dugged away in their crates, staring out with big eyes. And as Tiger already has huge eyes, she even more looked like an alien than she already does.

After some time they settled in, and started to eat again too. Tiger kept missing me, but they obviously had enjoyed their seaview residence, until after 5 days their (and mine) holiday was over.

When I arrived back from England 5 days later, my parents had allready dropped them off at my home, so they welcomed me. And that felt so wonderfull, they were both stroking my legs and purring, being happy I came back. I called my parents the other day, and they had a good stay with them. Tiger was a bit unsocial and Grey was the affective one. Nah Grey is more stable in his social interaction, he loves everyone equally, whilst Tiger is absolutely a one person kitty and she choose me. Luckily because it would have broken my heart if she didn't want to bond with me, seemingly to be in the wrong place. But happily I can say, both Tiger and Grey have to be here in my life, our life.

Tigers paw is doing little better too. I need to change her bandage one of these days however as it is loosing fixation. She is using her paw most of the time, but yet is is not the right time to have the bandage off all the time. I have to find a way to just have her paw protected from deskinning.
I am not loosing hope with her leg at all. I will go for a check up with the vet within a few weeks, because what I think she broke a toe, and that toe might be damaged or even died. It looks different than the others. She showed me what might have happened during their transport to my parents, as Tiger got very outragious, she was sticking out her paw all the time. And I think that during her flight she got stuck with her leg in the door and foodbox. The crew had to open the box to cut loose the legs. In worse case the crate may have fallen somewhere. Because the crate was damaged.

But, both cats feel more content here since our holiday. Tiger even started to groom Grey once in a while, and I saw them eat together from the same foodsource. They are getting more and more along. Grey has still this passive look in his eyes, knowing that Tiger will always be the queen around. He just has a very big heart my Grey! They changed roles as well, Grey is getting more well fed now. He was quite boney (but surely not underweighted) when he arrived, and now he has more proportion giving him a well done masculine look. He really it getting a charming male cat. I know I have to control his appetite, because I guess he has some Russian blue ancestors (or has the genepole that created the Russian Blue and or Chartreux) which are notorious for their weightgain. I bought them a Pipolino feeder, and Grey uses it very well. But he just eats what he likes, so my whole floor is covered with food he doesn't fancy. It better gets time the food that will be theirs will be choosen. But I am trying to find out if I can feed them natural, since I did some research in commercial petfood. That simply is adapted more to our ease than the cats wellbeing. They will only get food with pure flesh (preferably at least 70% of one or 2 proteine sources), by-products free and of course without preservatives and chemical additions. It is a pitty they don't fancy Orijen food. Now they have Applaws, which they looove but is not biological/holistic. Got to make a choice here... At least it is not from any giant petfood supplier. I ordered a cats cookbook. Because I believe it is simple and easy to give the cats the same as I eat. Or well, buy some meat or fresh fish for them with a little bit of veggies and fruit, herbs, egg and mayb a little added nutrients.

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