Most of my blogs are about Tiger. That is because she is by far the most exploring and sometimes annoying (in a funny way!) of the two. If there is trouble, it is always Tiger coming to me purring and chittering with those innocent eyes either telling me "Look what I did!" or "Did I do something wrong?". Grey is just a whole lot more stable in his actions. While Tiger is the happy unspoiled youngster in the house, he is the happily snoozing on the couch cat.
Tiger on the day she arrived here.... One of the first pictures I took... |
From the beginning on, Tiger had the weird habbit to always want to be on my laptop keyboard. Probably it is warm and cozy for her to be there. Personally I believe she wants to tell me to put the stupid thing away, because she knows very well how to close a laptop as well.
At this very moment, she is also hanging out here, trying to get on 'key'board. And, since I often fall asleep with my laptop beside me, I usually wake up with the terrible sound of the pressed key notification. Tiger seems used to it by now.
Another moment of her naughtyness action... In fact, she has been climbing up on the flycovering door AGAIN. And I had to get out of bed to remove them permanently because those can be hazard to the cat nails. Tiger found her way to the upper windowsil. And I put her back on the ground because she cannot go down from there by herself. No space to jump off, nor do I want her to do anyway with her leg. She is off now, doing something else. I am waiting... ;-)
But usualy when I wake up I find innocent changes to my computer. Sometimes she wrote a little bit, sometimes she changed color/brightness or sound or opened a window (yesterday the search query was London bombing. I have no clue how this came up as searching query, there must have been a link on the current page, because why should I and how can Tiger search for such nasty subjects?
Nothing to worry about, so I usualy let Tiger sleep on the laptop. But this morning something strange happened. The screen was all grey like pavement, not equal grey. And a huge arrow showed up. A bit of scrolling told me the screen has been zoomed to the maximum, I guess more than 10 times of original.
This is normaly just 1 x 1 cm of the screen, just the first cm of the toolbar |
I tried to find back the application to change it back, because I know it works with 3 or 4 keys to enable and disable it. But which ones I had no clue. I was trying for a while, and Tiger just kept on trying to get on the keyboard as if I was not supposed to change it back. For her maybe it was the new wallpaper of her new 'sleepingroom'. She liked it sort of. But for me it was no question to be asked, this had to changed back. But how...
I went to my other computer to find out the code to change it back, and luckily that worked quite easily. But it was not the only thing. Tiger enabled another option for the disabled. With every action I got a message telling me what it is, what it does and how it works. Quite annoying, because I can read the icons and know what I am doing. And the horrible part is, that this was part of the voice over. But Tiger has turned off the volume, LUCKILY or else I would have gone insane.
The laptop is back to original now, but there will be no more sleep for me. Her naughtyness is quite busy. I can just hope she will come back here any moment to snuggle up. But all she does is chirping that I took away her climbingthingie... I have to buy her a huge climbing construction soon. Thank Goddess it soon is my birthday!
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