Tiger & Grey

Tiger & Grey

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vrijdag 9 december 2011

It going to look a lot like christmas.... or not?

I didn't expect anything else. But this year there probably won't be a christmas tree for me. Maybe I have been concerning too much, and have been too sure that crazy Tiger would more than love the christmastree.

In the first place, of course the packaging. Why is it packed in cardboard.... one of Tigers biggest loves. One of the biggest loves of many cats by the way. When I put the box on the floor to open it, Tiger is there first to annoy me with pulling the cord that keeps the cardbox closed. That cord is of course also irresistable. I was hoping Tiger would entertain herself with this cord for some time.

But no... that cardbox... you can go in and out of it. FUUUUNTIME!

So, after Tiger got serious with making holes in the box, I removed the box out of her reach. Of course leaving behind a slightly pissed off Tiger. But... then she saw that the tree was forming and decided to take her chance on this one.

 It didn't take long before the tree ended up in 2 pieces on the floor. And Tiger chewing on it.

Too bad for her, I got the tree back up. Without anything in it, I decided to let the tree just be, she couldn't do a lot of harm to it now. And, to be honest, this tree is too heavy for the base it is standing on. I need to work on that one next year, so it won't fall so easily. I mean, even when I put the lights on, and I pull very slightly on the electricity cable, it falls.

After a week I bought myself some decent looking plastic balls. Not this ordinary red and silver shiny ones with sometimes squares on it. No, pretty turquoise ones, with glitter and not shining. Just how I like. And I bought the silver and chocolate ones too. I am very traditional, I would not easily change from the common red, gold, silver and green. But for me there is somehow this weird feeling that turquiose, bright blue, silver, grey and even lilac are colors of this season. Maybe in feeling more for the New Year, but I am very happy with my tree this year :-)

It could not happen that both cats could resist gently tipping the balls in the tree, trying to invoke a new kind of toy. Mainly Tiger was very obsessed with the tree, but after a time, it was common, and I started to 'punish' her in cat language whenever she tried to molestate (play) with the tree. Eventualy the tree stands here now for a week without being touched. Well, Grey tried once, but he is very sensitive to my voice. Don't need impress to get the message clear to him, so easily scared. Tiger on the other hand, is very commited to everything she does, and especially to what she wants. Not easy to punish with for example water, she loves it and thinks it is a game when I use a syringe to scare her off.