Tiger & Grey

Tiger & Grey

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The Egyptian Mau Rescue Organization - www.emaurescue.org

vrijdag 9 december 2011

It going to look a lot like christmas.... or not?

I didn't expect anything else. But this year there probably won't be a christmas tree for me. Maybe I have been concerning too much, and have been too sure that crazy Tiger would more than love the christmastree.

In the first place, of course the packaging. Why is it packed in cardboard.... one of Tigers biggest loves. One of the biggest loves of many cats by the way. When I put the box on the floor to open it, Tiger is there first to annoy me with pulling the cord that keeps the cardbox closed. That cord is of course also irresistable. I was hoping Tiger would entertain herself with this cord for some time.

But no... that cardbox... you can go in and out of it. FUUUUNTIME!

So, after Tiger got serious with making holes in the box, I removed the box out of her reach. Of course leaving behind a slightly pissed off Tiger. But... then she saw that the tree was forming and decided to take her chance on this one.

 It didn't take long before the tree ended up in 2 pieces on the floor. And Tiger chewing on it.

Too bad for her, I got the tree back up. Without anything in it, I decided to let the tree just be, she couldn't do a lot of harm to it now. And, to be honest, this tree is too heavy for the base it is standing on. I need to work on that one next year, so it won't fall so easily. I mean, even when I put the lights on, and I pull very slightly on the electricity cable, it falls.

After a week I bought myself some decent looking plastic balls. Not this ordinary red and silver shiny ones with sometimes squares on it. No, pretty turquoise ones, with glitter and not shining. Just how I like. And I bought the silver and chocolate ones too. I am very traditional, I would not easily change from the common red, gold, silver and green. But for me there is somehow this weird feeling that turquiose, bright blue, silver, grey and even lilac are colors of this season. Maybe in feeling more for the New Year, but I am very happy with my tree this year :-)

It could not happen that both cats could resist gently tipping the balls in the tree, trying to invoke a new kind of toy. Mainly Tiger was very obsessed with the tree, but after a time, it was common, and I started to 'punish' her in cat language whenever she tried to molestate (play) with the tree. Eventualy the tree stands here now for a week without being touched. Well, Grey tried once, but he is very sensitive to my voice. Don't need impress to get the message clear to him, so easily scared. Tiger on the other hand, is very commited to everything she does, and especially to what she wants. Not easy to punish with for example water, she loves it and thinks it is a game when I use a syringe to scare her off.

maandag 28 november 2011

HURRAY! Tiger is fully recovered!

Just a short message, because I want to scream out loud....

In one of the last blogs, I mentioned Tigers progress. And... I can tell you the biggest miracle has happened. Tiger is fully recovered! Last week I noticed her reflexes had returned. Today I found out all her senses are back! She is aware of everything now, resulting in the motion cats make when their paw get dirty or wet... trying to shake of the dirt! She does whenever her toes touch something unexpectedly. Also I can no longer touch it unnoticed, no more squeesing, unless I want to get hurt. And.... she walked backwards! I tried to trick her with the laser light, and she did walk backwards perfectly! She could not have done if she didn't have full control over her motion.

This morning I was woken up by her and Grey. It can make me so happy, to have these two in my life! And I just got emotional about Tiger's miracle, and like she can do so well, she came snuggle up in my arms, and licked away the tears. Can I have this moment forever? 

My little girl!!! So proud of her :-)

dinsdag 22 november 2011

To buy a cat in the bag...

It is a Dutch saying. Maybe it is quite simular in English,  but we say this when we bought something that is in the end quite useless or even one big mistake.
Of course, I took this saying not literally because I love my kitties to death and never ever considered them to be a mistake. But... Grey in the end found a new hobby which makes him for a change star of a blog!

Grey is very very attached to this particular bag. Though I have many of this big shoppers laying around the house, this yellow one is his favorite. He now spends a lot of his time exploring the wonders of it in and out. First time I caught him, it was filled with paper, since I use this one to collect paper waste. As you can imagine, the paper was shattered all over the floor. Before I knew it, I noticed this bag to be moving around the house. I expected Tiger to be in it, but a grey tail revealed the truth. It was Grey.

I really got a bit nervous when he managed to put his head through the handle. Because if I would come up to help him out, he would be scared he did something not allowed (he usualy is, because he has probably been chased off so many times in his past he is so easily being cleared out of the place). And if he was running away it would seriously be hazardous standing on the bag that strapped his neck. On the other hand, it was a matter of time for Tiger to arrive and terrorise him as well.

I decided to watch it from a distance, and take pictures. Luckily he took his head out of the handle. And then the bronze monster arrived on the scene. With a huge leap she jumped up on the bag, making Grey come out of it.

Together they explored the bag a bit more. Then Tiger left, she had some more management jobs to do. For she is Queen of the House, some rather important jobs have to be done and contact being kept.

Grey on the other hand, decided to have some good sleep on this new love... the yellow bag.
No picture of this available :-(

zaterdag 19 november 2011

Tiger's progress

So much good news about Tiger's progress!
She had her last acupuncture treatment 2 weeks ago, the vet told me that now it is matter of waiting. She gave her treatment to develop her muscles more, because clearly she is on her way to full recover. But after we got back home I was so afraid things got worse. Because now Tiger was walking on her folded paw. But luckily the skin never got open. But it didn't look nice to see her walk this way.
Good news was that she only did this on the carpet. And I am planning to remove the carpet as soon as I can afford it and it suits in my plans.

But now, 2 weeks later I quited her medication. After 8 weeks the progress was not getting better, and for the problems I gave it, it had finished working. The medication was not really for long term using. But I can proudly tell you now, that since a few days I noticed Tiger to walk normal, also on carpet and today... today she showed reaction when I touch her toes! I guess my sweet has almost come to full recovery! I am soooo soooo extremely happy about this! You have no idea. My little girl, she healed after keep on believing in miracles. Now for 3 days I haven't seen her walking on a double paw, and from the way of walking I can no longer hear a lot of difference between her and Grey. Of course Grey is heavier, he is much more a sort of a tank moving through the house, but Tiger usually had a slight sound of dragging her injured paw. And, she is once more capable to scratch her head with her right paw again, with good force.

Since this is just a little blog about some happy and very good news, I decided to let you update on more little stories and pictures you may have seen already on FaceBook. I didn't take a lot of pictures lately.I may do so later today.

Grey has discovered that my bed is a very wonderfull place to sleep at night. Now most nights he sleeps besides me, and as long as Tiger is not aware, he wakes up with a very extremely cuddly mood I had never seen in him so far. He comes lay close to me, purring and giving heads, really looking very very happy. But he has to do before 5.30 because that is usually the time Tiger comes to wake me up. Tiger is no longer sleeping with me now for some reason. Usually her ritual starts with removing Grey from my bed. Very very sometimes I will find them sleeping together next to me, but usually it is a bed fight to wake me up. And then comes 'her Annoyance' to tease me, she makes me pet and cuddle her, she demands, there is no chance to get away with ignoring her! Walking up and over me, chirping in my ear, scratching my hand. I have no choice... but to obbey the Queen of the Houses demands.

Also, Grey found out water in the sink is quite cool. Now I have two cats annoying me while I am doing the dishes (no people, I am one of the rare ones not having a dishwashing machine...). I can tell even worse, I had to remove a plate to my closet to prepare food out of reach of the cats. Isn't that a silly world? Really I cannot take anything out without 2 furballs investigating.
Yes I know I could lock them out, but have you ever imagined how fast and dangerous the race back into the kitchen when I open the door again? Really they almost faced death with doing this when there is instable stuff on the table, like pots, pans, books etc.

Last week I had some home make over. I got a new desk, since my old one was giving too much freedom to collect useless stuff, and made me depressed because it was a corner model, making me sit and stare in the corner. I feel more happy now with my new one, overlooking the cats and outside. And, with plenty of space, usually Tiger is sitting beside me. But... I have no place for all my collected useless muck. It is piled up in other places, the floor, the old desk. Which means the cats cannot be free in the livingroom while I am gone. Simply because Tiger is making a mess of all this things. She LOVES cardboard, and when hungry she also eats it (she gets too less food she thinks... but that is not true of course, I just don't want overweighted cats).

Tiger helped me with constructing the desk (and the bookcase 2 weeks ago). Grey misses his hideout on top of this bookcase. I will restore it somehow, my project is by far not finished yet.

And of course she is very tired after a long day of hard working.... (I would not dare to say I took this picture very early in the morning though... ;-) )

And now, after publishing, I will go make muffins. Curious to the input of the cats, I can almost be sure to have new inspiration for a blog after finishing (I have no idea how 'easy' making muffins is with two curious cats around....)

zondag 30 oktober 2011

Kong Kickaroo Funtime

Tiger & Grey are nasty spoiled. Like every two weeks, a big box with littermaterial and food arrives (because the ones I and the cats prefer are usualy not sold in petstores, you know my cats eat beef, additive and derative free food only). But with every delivery, there is always some fun and toys for the cat on board.
For tiger the big box and filling materials are usualy a toy for itself, almost nothing pleases her more than the cardboard boxes piling up in my house by now. Only of course the kitchensink WITH running water can make her more happy.

The Kong Kickaroo (basicly a square shaped piece of cloth filled with catnip and stuffing with a fuzzy tail) was instantly a great succes. I have to keep Tiger more entertained because she feels a bit bored (how can she with so many toys...) she is ADHD cat, and when she has too less to do, she becomes naughty, scratches my couch, climb the curtains, attack Grey all day long... really a disaster in the house that makes me say: Cats??? Never again.... but I do realise, she is just the typical high energy & intelligent cat type. I choose for it. She IS the Abysinian I always admired but never wanted to own, because of their character and behaviour. But she teaches me that eventualy an Abisynian or the close related Mau, is a wonderfull cat breed. They just are a bit different :-) And I love things that are different.

Here is a photosession of their initial play with the Kong. Of course, Tiger steals the show. She is the one most available to picture, because when Grey has the Kong, he only has a few seconds before Tiger comes to claim HER kong. I have to buy another one if they keep being very happy with it. Luckily, despite of what I expected, these things are surprisingly 'cheap'. And, eventually easy to be made yourself if you are a little bit creative. I have to get my stitching machine fixed for once I guess... (waiting already 3 years for that moment haha!)

Just some pictures of Grey I took the same day

My pretty boy!

Grey is enjoying the Kong, but a predator is lurking out for his prey....

It's Tiger, coming to claim the kong she believes IS hers...
Grey is not willing to let his prey go this time....
A quick fight over the kong... of course, Tiger wins... Grey is smarter in hierarchy systems, which Tiger does not know a lot about...

Tiger is content with her catch....

The catnip seems to make her a bit snoozy.....

Then she places a bit to finish the life of her prey (hmms...)

And starts to snuggle it? What???! Snuggle a prey?

Yes snuggle it...

And keep snuggle it..... No people you're wrong, I am a constrictor....

Hmmsss Grey has something there... have to go check it out!

And just a dreamy picture of Tiger, to finish this photo report off :-)

zondag 23 oktober 2011

Another Tiger blog, she keeps on discovering

Today was quite a horrible day. Like I wrote in my previous blog about her second acupuncture treatment, Tiger had lost trust in me. For me it was a terrible day and I am clueless about what to do now. I feel my decision to leave her be for today is still the right one. She was snuggling up with Grey earlier this evening, and it was adorable to see her laying next to her big 'brother'. Resulting in this cute pictures.

Later in the evening I was cleaning up in the kitchen, and Tiger was very very persistant about getting on the kitchen sink. I kept placing her back on the floor, and within a few seconds she made her way back. Thinking I would not noticing her walking behind my curtain... Because I am carefull with her now to not loose more trust, I decided for once to let her on the kitchensink to find out what it is that she is so devoted to get. And, it was the running water.

Tiger was early this morning also with me in the shower, she did not want to leave, She loves it to be in the corner, to lay on the floor, and it didn't matter to her that I was taking a shower, so she made attempts to go there anyway. I just let her in the shower because I expected her to leave as soon as the first drop would hit her skin. I was wrong... Tiger stayed and seemed fascinated by the water. But she did not let herself become too wet. Though when I turned off the water, she straight away went to her favorite spot in the corner and lay down on the soaking wet floor.... I had to laugh... Silly kitty!

So now she again showed her passion for water, when she was playing with the running water (a small stream of course because I don't like to spill too much water), tried to catch it, and was gazing with amazement to the drops that dripple down the sink. She even put her head in the stream! So I had a soaked kitty in no time, and the whole kitchen with it. How she LOVED the water! She played like for 15 minutes when I turned off the water, and kept waiting for one hour to have it come back. I could not attract her to anything else, she was very much focused on the tap. No food, no snacks could keep her away.

And, Tiger loved me for doing this. Tiger is getting normal towards me again. And just a look without touching her paw tells me her wound is closing again. The L-metridin honeycream works very very well. But the codliveroil in it makes her lick it off... It smells terrible so she notices it very soon that I am working with it :-( It is a pitty... but as long as it works well...