Tiger & Grey

Tiger & Grey

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The Egyptian Mau Rescue Organization - www.emaurescue.org

zondag 6 mei 2012

Grey's Third Birthday

Happy Birthday to my sweet Grey!

On Liberation Day here in Holland, we celebrate much more than the liberation of our country. It remarks also the day that I liberated those two precious souls from a life without a loving home of their own. One year ago I signed to take Tiger and Grey within my life.

Grey has also his birthday put on this day. We can't be sure since he was born on the streets of Alexandria, but it cannot miss a lot of days, since the one who rescued him, saw all the cats very regular. I think it is a nice symbolic day and keep it like this.

I decided to celebrate it, thinking they would enjoy playing with birthday ribbons and decorations. In fact I just bought all this for just a picture. But it ended up a whole new tradition. Along with it, there is something called a confetti frisbee. You have to remove the outer paper and just throw it in the air like a frisbee and it will all shatter in thousands of colored pieces of paper. Very nice to see, and lovely to see the cats trying to catch the papers from the air. Sadly it all goes too fast but love the idea.

So here are a few pictures of this. I could not take photo's of the frisbee however as I had no hand free and didn't want to miss the moment.

Here are a few pictures taken :-)

Tiger getting caught up

What the heck is this thing????