Tiger & Grey

Tiger & Grey

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The Egyptian Mau Rescue Organization - www.emaurescue.org

donderdag 27 december 2012

Happy Holidays

A long time I didnt post about my two sweets. They are still alive and kicking, or should I say destroying?
First of all, I want to wish all of you who take time to read this blog, very happy and warm holidays. Christmas has just been passed, but I can't pass by this picture. Unfortunately this year I didn't manage a picture for xmas with both cats. Tiger was extremely 'annoying' with the christmas stuff. She herself would say she had a great time, and believes I never ever had taken in such a wonderfull toys as the glistening balls and ornaments for in the tree. It so happened that my tree didn't show its glory for longer than 2 hours, before it came down after a slide of Tiger in attempt to get one of 'her' toys. Of course not hers, but she is Queen of the House, so naturally all belongs to her. Tigerlogics...

Tiger and Grey are doing very well, like I said. I have some stories to share on their own. So I leave it with this greeting for now. And some pictures not shown so far.

zaterdag 1 september 2012

REVIEW ~ PeeWee Litterbox Part 2

2 weeks have passed now. Something has changed, but not the PeeWee litterbox. I still did not have to refill or add new PeeWee litter in it. My big bag of PeeWee litter material is almost done though, since the other box uses quite a lot. Honestly I have to replace it by a PeeWee too, or find a way to use it as a PeeWee.

The thing that has changed, is that my cats now use the PeeWee as Pee box. It no longer is just Greys box, Grey prefers too poo indoors. And Tiger helps to make the dust fall through the maze of the PeeWee by digging.
Everything works perfect. No smell, not at all. And very economical. With a PeeWee Box that is!

So.... 10 stars and thumbs up for PeeWee. Never again something else.

maandag 20 augustus 2012

REVIEW ~ PeeWee Litterbox

We used to have a very very good littermaterial called Cats Best Hygiene Plus. Expensive, but it lasted for a loooong time. We could manage 2 - 21/2 month with one bag. Mom could flush the waste through the toilet so all were happy. But prices rise... rise... and rise... Expensive, yeah but still on the long term cheaper than the cheapest clay litter material available. And we like to have clean paws, not dusty dirty paws.

Then we got noticed of the Swedish PeeWee Litterbox system. Also expensive but gosh, more or less the thing that mom used to do during the time she still had rabbits. Sifting the waste from the woodgrains from the still good woodgrains. She wished there would exists a sorting system for this.
And now, lucky us, who got the chance to test it. Grey believes this is IT. Tiger doesnt care as long as it is diggable. Mom wants it odorfree, dustfree and low maintenance. So there it is... PeeWee.

In brief how it works

When mom went last week to buy a box, they were sold out. Pitty pitty, but the salesman ordered the low version, because that one fits in our current covered box. Mom however already took a bag of pellets home, and put some in our current litterbox.

Here is our first impression (without the PeeWee litterbox!):

Tiger: I dont care what you put in it, as long as it is diggable it is ok for me. I jump on it straight away, I even go there for fun just to cause a mess.

Grey: Puke mom... what is this crap? You know I hate smelly litters, this pine smell is too much, I hate the smelly poo of Tiger. And I don't feel right using a covered litterbox. I use it, but not happily. Didn't you notice? I am NOT going to pee here, I am going to pee in my basket. The poo... ok I do in the box... but with my head out and ass in. So I don't have to suffer the smell. My nose can't handle this. Covered boxes arent my thing anyway.Like I said....

Mom: Bah I don't like woodgrains that dissolve into sawdust. The other stuff was clumping and so much cleaner. Now Tiger is digging like an idiot and after 2 days it looks messy. Not a single woodgrain remained in tact. But, I must say no smell (except pine trees) and the sawdust looks dry and clean, does not at all smell to cat pee and all is still dustfree.  Tiger however manages to get lots of woodgrains out and through the house. She always does, probably even with the heaviest litter available. I have to wait for the box to arrive to see the best results. Still I believe in the system. After all it can't clumb or else the system would not work. At least then the sawdust will fall down and less woodgrains will get dissolved as most pee will drip down to the underbox. 

It was not amusing that Grey pees every day in his basket. I took them away now, because I cannot keep up with my own laundry, but 2 baskets every day is not going to work either.

Luckily the litterbox arrived quite soon. And, the other day I installed the litterbox. It appeared to be too difficult to cut holes in it so it makes it possible for the door to swing in and out in my covered litterbox that keeps smells locked in. So I put it next to the old litterbox. But I hoped and begged Tiger would not prefer this one, she is such a vicious digger, I am convinced all the woodgrains would be shattered all over the floor in no time.

Thats the box!

Here is our second impression:

Mom: Lets put the woodgrains in... Ohhh Grey is right beside me, lets see what he..... wait... Grey I did not yet finish putting the littermaterial in! Ah well.... I see he must have a terrible need... A huge amount of urine is seen in the underbox. I better put some grains in there, like the instructions tell me to do. Poor Grey must have been in need for some time. He refuses to use the other box to pee.

Grey: Ohhhh finallyyyy I need to pee soooo bad! What a relieve! My own airco litterbox, always clean, always tidy. This one is mine! Finaly she understands me. I am going to hug her when I am done here. Ohh heaven is crying out, down in the litterbox.

Tiger: Hmmm interesting, but I prefer more privacy. I see Grey has been first. Good for him, I guess we have now our own litterboxes. 

I agree. It looks to me like they both have their own boxes now. Tiger mostly uses the covered one. Thank Goddess she does.... but she needs to help Grey sometimes with the digging. Grey does not dig often. He is like a cat with obsessive tidynes, he doesnt like getting his paws dirty. Many times I have seen him balancing on the edges of the litterbox to pee without touching the littermaterial.

I guess so far this box is a succes. With the original litterbox it looks like a brilliant system. If from now on the littermaterial will only be 7 euro's a month for 2 cats.... I'd be so happy!

Here is a demo, but it is in Dutch.... 

As soon as I can find the English version, I will put it up here, but the you tube shows it all....

zondag 10 juni 2012

Tigers Second Birthday


My little queen turns 2 years old this weekend. So, since I never have any excuse for a party, not even my own, we just celebrate it here, even the animals birthdays. Any excuse is good enough to party. But celebrating the birthday of your plants is silly, as well is celebrating the anniversary of your fridge, cupboard, toilet, house spider or whatever. So there comes in the cats. Call me insane, but I am human and I too love to party, but if it is only my animals that company my life, I have not really another choice (well to continue live a life without party would be). Tiger agrees.
Let her tell the story by the Queen herself:

Yeah it is the first time that my birthday is celebrated. I believe it should be a national holiday, because no one can't deny my existence.
Oh well, mommy got the brilliant idea to celebrate it one day earlier. How dare she! She thought it was nice and all that, not have to work the day or day after and she was in the mood for a birthday moment. You should have seen the grinn on her face. And also the grinn on mine. I was of course not planning to join in this party. It is MY birthday and no one elses. And most of all celebrated on the day itself.

So... after mommy had her dinner, and simply forgot our oops my grilled salmon (ah well I am not so mean, let Grey also have a bit, and that furry black thing mom brought in recently as well), she prepared our celebration. She put the ribbons and confetties on the table. I ignored it. Grey ignored it....
All I did during the evening was making a belly slide across the table, making it fall on the floor. And she thought I would be ready now. How silly human....

Not interested yet....

I snuggled up on her lap while she watched a movie. Ah well she fell asleep and I had to wake her up to go to bed. Finaly we prepared for the next day.... but first she went outdoors with that furry black thing. Why does she do that? Why do we have to stay in and that thing not?
Ah well... time to sleep. At least that furry thing stays out of the bedroom at night. Mommy is all ours :-)

The next morning, about 4.30am

Goodmorning mommy!!!! I nibbled her toe, and was searching through the pile of books and papers laying next to her. I wanted the pencil, but it was fetched to a book. Tried hard to get it separated but no.... You can imagine I woke her up quite well this way, and it was so early!!! And Grey of course is kibble alarm pur sang, when mom wakes, he demands kibbles. She woke up happy!

The morning ritual of course is that computer. I managed to get on my throne. Simply be charming, purring, be nice, walking circles and when the chance is there, run for the keyboard. Ah heaven, I managed 3 times! Mom calls it 'stoelendans' and I always win! Most of the time she throws me off instantly.

Finaly the door to the  livingroom opened and it was my time! All this time waiting for this moment, to snuggle, attack, catch, chew, tear, drag, wear, knot, tie and throw the paperthingies!
With a huge slide I attacked the 'enemy' from the back all over the table. We tumbled over the floor, but with a firm bite I could take the prey back on the couch. Rolling over KILL MAIM FIGHT SLAY.... die (ok the last one is impossible as paper is dead but you get the point). If you think what is this horror curse? I hear mommy sing it sometimes when she is angry. And sometimes she plays music like that. It is not an evil song she told me, honest, she is no barbarian.

The prey fought back few times, wrapping itself around my legs and tail. But I just run, run and run... sometimes tumble or jump.
Along I took my prey around the couch, to the windowseal, wove it through the window shutters, over the floor and tried to hide it under the 'dead' sheep.
And then ohhhh I got so tired after all this hunting and killing, mommy went out with the furry black thing. Grey is so jealous.... he freaks out, he thinks it is not fair that that furry black thing goes out few times a day. But he is too stupid to understand that if you let a harnass be put on, mommy will take him out. But no... Grey hisses and bites when she willingly wants to try learn him. He should not complain. They can't all be like me. I wouldn't need a harnass. But mommy is too stupid to understand that. I can find my way back home. But also for me I can only go out with a harnas. I have my pride (I have many as you know).

So well, she and the furry black thing went off, and I decided to decorate the house while they were off. Did I have fun???? Now there were paper ribbons all over the place.

And then I went to sleep again.... for the rest of the day I will. Life is good. Oh... later we have our birthday dinner of course :-)

But first sleep... they saw my eyes closing slowely, my tiny head too heavy to keep up. I need sleep.... 

zondag 6 mei 2012

Grey's Third Birthday

Happy Birthday to my sweet Grey!

On Liberation Day here in Holland, we celebrate much more than the liberation of our country. It remarks also the day that I liberated those two precious souls from a life without a loving home of their own. One year ago I signed to take Tiger and Grey within my life.

Grey has also his birthday put on this day. We can't be sure since he was born on the streets of Alexandria, but it cannot miss a lot of days, since the one who rescued him, saw all the cats very regular. I think it is a nice symbolic day and keep it like this.

I decided to celebrate it, thinking they would enjoy playing with birthday ribbons and decorations. In fact I just bought all this for just a picture. But it ended up a whole new tradition. Along with it, there is something called a confetti frisbee. You have to remove the outer paper and just throw it in the air like a frisbee and it will all shatter in thousands of colored pieces of paper. Very nice to see, and lovely to see the cats trying to catch the papers from the air. Sadly it all goes too fast but love the idea.

So here are a few pictures of this. I could not take photo's of the frisbee however as I had no hand free and didn't want to miss the moment.

Here are a few pictures taken :-)

Tiger getting caught up

What the heck is this thing????