Tiger & Grey

Tiger & Grey

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The Egyptian Mau Rescue Organization - www.emaurescue.org

zondag 30 oktober 2011

Kong Kickaroo Funtime

Tiger & Grey are nasty spoiled. Like every two weeks, a big box with littermaterial and food arrives (because the ones I and the cats prefer are usualy not sold in petstores, you know my cats eat beef, additive and derative free food only). But with every delivery, there is always some fun and toys for the cat on board.
For tiger the big box and filling materials are usualy a toy for itself, almost nothing pleases her more than the cardboard boxes piling up in my house by now. Only of course the kitchensink WITH running water can make her more happy.

The Kong Kickaroo (basicly a square shaped piece of cloth filled with catnip and stuffing with a fuzzy tail) was instantly a great succes. I have to keep Tiger more entertained because she feels a bit bored (how can she with so many toys...) she is ADHD cat, and when she has too less to do, she becomes naughty, scratches my couch, climb the curtains, attack Grey all day long... really a disaster in the house that makes me say: Cats??? Never again.... but I do realise, she is just the typical high energy & intelligent cat type. I choose for it. She IS the Abysinian I always admired but never wanted to own, because of their character and behaviour. But she teaches me that eventualy an Abisynian or the close related Mau, is a wonderfull cat breed. They just are a bit different :-) And I love things that are different.

Here is a photosession of their initial play with the Kong. Of course, Tiger steals the show. She is the one most available to picture, because when Grey has the Kong, he only has a few seconds before Tiger comes to claim HER kong. I have to buy another one if they keep being very happy with it. Luckily, despite of what I expected, these things are surprisingly 'cheap'. And, eventually easy to be made yourself if you are a little bit creative. I have to get my stitching machine fixed for once I guess... (waiting already 3 years for that moment haha!)

Just some pictures of Grey I took the same day

My pretty boy!

Grey is enjoying the Kong, but a predator is lurking out for his prey....

It's Tiger, coming to claim the kong she believes IS hers...
Grey is not willing to let his prey go this time....
A quick fight over the kong... of course, Tiger wins... Grey is smarter in hierarchy systems, which Tiger does not know a lot about...

Tiger is content with her catch....

The catnip seems to make her a bit snoozy.....

Then she places a bit to finish the life of her prey (hmms...)

And starts to snuggle it? What???! Snuggle a prey?

Yes snuggle it...

And keep snuggle it..... No people you're wrong, I am a constrictor....

Hmmsss Grey has something there... have to go check it out!

And just a dreamy picture of Tiger, to finish this photo report off :-)

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